Why Macroeconomics is Important for Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

The fate of any business is intrinsically related to how it responds to the demands and pressures of internal and external forces. Internal constraints encompass various factors, including but not limited to people, culture, strategies, execution, sales, and the ability to maintain a healthy list of returning customers. Among the most crucial external forces impacting a business’ fate are macroeconomic trends, which determine the contexts in which a business is born, nurtured, and thrives.
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool for growth

Sundar Pichai’s characterization of artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool is indeed correct. Business leaders would do well to pause and internalize AI’s essence as a tool. While AI possesses immense potential to enhance productivity significantly, it remains fundamentally a tool. But what exactly is this tool, and why is there such widespread excitement surrounding it?
On Decision Making

Our lives revolve around decisions, encompassing various aspects such as finance, economics, commerce, relationships, and operations, all of which shape our future. In a way, as adults, we are all the sum of our decisions and luck in our lives. We don’t have much controls of our luck. The same is not true for our decisions. We all make a lot of them.
The Essence of Innovation

The above quotes underscore the importance of independent critical thinking as a precursor to innovation, followed by deliberate decisions and actions aimed at fostering economic prosperity. Before delving into a refined definition of innovation, it is imperative to clarify what innovation is not.
On IT and OT convergence

IT or Information Technology is the technical engine that transforms raw data into insightful information for people and partners of an organization. The goal is for these people to be efficient and more productive. IT uses computing, communication devices to process, store, transmit, manage and secure data and information.
Leadership Essence

Leadership is a timeless subject that remains perpetually relevant. Since the dawn of humanity, there has always been a necessity for leaders to establish order and drive progress.
The essence of organizational strategy

A cursory search on Amazon.com reveals over 3000 books on strategy. Why the abundance of literature, articles, and persisting issues surrounding this topic? What, exactly, is strategy? In this discourse, I will share my insights on the matter.
A Small History on Technology Evolution

Leaders who study the history of computing and communication technologies understand that staying ahead of the next evolutionary curve confers a significant competitive advantage. These technologies serve as tools whose mastery by competent individuals can position any organization for long-term success. The evolution of technology is a constant force that disrupts both people and organizations, representing the natural order of progress.
Why Thinking is Crucial for Leadership

Everyone engages in conscious or subconscious thought, an activity that is hardwired in humans’ being. However, arriving at a precise and concise definition of thinking is no simple task. Thinking is a complex phenomenon that remains the subject of ongoing debate among psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists. Various complex theories describe its nature, encompassing consciousness, cognition, and memory, each of which constitutes critical components of the thinking process.