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How Business Development Consultants Can Enhance Your Competitive Edge?

business development consultants

The challenge of creating a successful business development strategy is one that faces all businesses.  However, what is strategic business development exactly? To put it plainly, it’s an essential tool that guarantees sustained success by directing all members of your organization toward a single goal. A clearly defined strategy lays out the goals your company […]

What Are the Key Benefits of Leadership Development for Businesses?

leadership development

“This program is long overdue,” is a common statement we hear from clients when we first meet to talk about leadership development. With a little training, leaders are eager to get going.  Without a doubt, leadership development has advantages. However, in order to keep up with other business priorities and developments like AI technology and […]

The Ultimate Guide to Strategy Consulting for Beginners

strategy consulting

We will discuss the definition of strategy consulting, its benefits for companies, and the main duties of a strategy consultant in this blog post.  We’ve also prepared a step by step guide on how to get into strategy and management consulting if you’re considering a career change. What is Strategy Consulting? One kind of consulting […]

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Management Consultant

management consultant

Management consultants provide guidance to businesses on how to resolve internal problems and boost productivity.  Management consulting offers a wide range of positions, each with a distinct specialization or focus.  While some management consultants offer advice on how to pursue more lucrative marketing campaigns, others might offer suggestions on how to handle problems with the […]

L’importance the la culture dans l’entreprise

Business Culture

Dans la citation ci-dessus, Peter Drucker, le célèbre consultant en gestion, souligne qu'une culture forte dépasse même la meilleure des stratégies. Ce sentiment renvoie à l'idée que la culture, en particulier les cultures robustes, servent de prémices à diverses stratégies. Dans la même lignée de pensée, je crois fermement que la culture forme la pierre angulaire de toute entreprise.